74 Main Street, Suite 200 • P.O. Box 370 | Bucksport, ME 04416

74 Main Street, Suite 200 • P.O. Box 370
Bucksport, ME 04416

Personal Injury Matters in Bucksport, Maine

Fellows, Kee, Tymoczko, & Lewis, LLC Fights for Your Compensation

For legal help with personal injury matters in Bucksport, Maine, contact Fellows, Kee, Tymoczko & Lewis, LLC. Being injured in a car accident, slip and fall, or other personal injury matter can be a life-altering event. You need an experienced attorney who can assist you with such cases. That includes recouping your lost wages, getting medical bills paid, or getting you compensated for your pain and suffering. Remember, insurance companies do not have your best interest in mind; their goal is to pay as little as possible.

A slip and fall accident sometimes only results in minor injuries. However, sometimes they result in significant injuries to the head, back, and limbs. If you are injured in a slip and fall accident caused by another’s negligence, contact us. Our attorney will fight for you to get the compensation you deserve.

Call Fellows, Kee, Tymoczko & Lewis, LLC at (207) 469-7323 or toll-free (800) 639-2905 or contact us online. We can explain how seeking compensation can help as you work to recover.

Our Lawyers Work on Car Accident Cases in and Around Belfast, Maine

Motor vehicle accident cases require special knowledge. The lawyers at Fellows, Kee, Tymoczko & Lewis, LLC understand the laws and circumstances associated with such complex scenarios. Our team has resources which we can use to get the compensation you deserve in these types of situations.

Get the Medical Malpractice Compensation You Deserve in Waldo County

Medical malpractice cases can be convoluted and time consuming. Whether the case involves negligence at Waldo County General Hospital or a doctor’s office on April Road, we can help you. Our attorneys will fight for what you deserve.

Contact Us to Represent You in a Case Involving Slip-and-Fall Injuries

A slip-and-fall injury is usually thought of as minor. However, such occurrences can be catastrophic. Brain injuries, spinal cord damage, and broken bones are all possible when you slip, then fall. If you suffered an injury due to a slip-and-fall incident not of your making, contact us. Our lawyer fights for each client to receive the compensation they deserve from insurance companies and other responsible parties.

We are Here to Fight for Your Family’s Wrongful Death Matters

We also handle wrongful death claims for family members of someone who died as the result of someone else’s negligence. If such a tragedy occurs, we understand the trauma that your family is going through and want to help. We are here to fight and hold the responsible party accountable for your loved one’s death.

Fellows, Kee, Tymoczko & Lewis, LLC Files Injury Claims Across Maine

Are you dealing with a wrongful death in Belfast or recovering from a motorcycle accident in Northport? Wherever the situation occurred in Maine, the team at Fellows, Kee, Tymoczko & Lewis, LLC can help. We recognize that this is a difficult time for you, and want to make it as easy as possible. Our lawyers will aggressively seek the compensation you deserve in your personal injury case. Give us a call, stop by, or reach out online, and let us put our knowledge to work for you.

Fellows, Kee, Tymoczko & Lewis, LLC helps with personal injury matters in Bucksport, Maine.